I'm extremely happy that 5e was written in a way that empowers the DM and players to "play their own game," since this more than anything else is what makes D&D unique. I'm of the opinion that there is both a very strong philosophy and overall very high quality design in 5e. So much of the complaining about the design philosophy of 5e is from people who either didn't get exactly the game they were hoping for from 5e or would be happier playing board games or video games anyway. With a good DM this provides the same certainty that rules provide to board games, and it also provides a kind of tension and uncertainty that heightens the experience of roleplaying, which board games can never hope to achieve. To compensate, in D&D the DM has (and has always had) complete control. Moreover, of course we know it's completely impossible to cover every situation, and it's not worth trying. Doing so in D&D is very much opposed to the point of the game. You're actively thinking about working the rules to your advantage. In board games, you find every little way to gain advantage by working within the rules, because that's part of the game. Board games without rules that cover every little situation are bad. Board games, even cooperative board games, are designed to be won or lost and as such must cleanly lay out hard and fast rules (as much as possible) to achieve this this with any certainty.

The more you make it about a set of rules that delineate what can and cannot be done, the more you lose immersion and the less of an "experience" it becomes. An RPG system provides a framework, from which a group of people build a collective experience - there is no winning or losing, whether or not goals or ambitions are accomplished. In my mind it all comes down to the difference between an RPG and a board game. Doing it like that, you'll avoid screwing up everything else. Instead, just move healing off of the "rests" system and give them times (hours, days, etc). If you want to change healing rates, do NOT redefine the lengths of "rests". If you want a really low magic and special ability campaign, that almost works, except there are plenty of amazing things some classes or races can do who's recharge times are not based on "rests" which get distinctly MORE powerful in that kind of setting. Now that was only with the base races and classes, though some specialties/traditions/whatever that class calls it have more things that get screwed over. Wizard - Expended spell slots regained after a week. Warlock - Expended Spell Slots & Mystic Arcanum & Eldritch Master recharge after a week. Sorcerer - Expended spell slots and Sorcery Points take a week to recharge. Ranger - Expended spell slots take a week to recharge. Paladin - Divine Sense & Lay On Hands, Cleansing Touch, and Expended spell slots only recharge after a week. Wild Shape only recharges the next day.įighter - Second Wind & Action Surge both become once per day. Divine Intervention takes a week before you can use it again, whether you succeeded or not.ĭruid - Expended spell slots regained after a week. Font of Inspiration becomes a daily.Ĭleric - Expended spell slots regained after a week. Half Orc - Relentless Endurance once per week.īarbarian - Rage uses only recharge after a week, and Relentless Rage doesn't reset it's DC until the next day.īard - Expended Spell slots & Bardic Inspiration regained only after a week.

Let's go with that gritty thing for example where a short rest is 8 hours and a long rest is a week.ĭragonborn Breathweapon usable once per day.
Use reaction to heal dmg 5e full#
You recover full amount of HD every long rest, but you must use one to benefit from healing spells, magic items, potions, and class abilities.Ĭhanging what the length of time is for a "rest" just to tweak healing will have TONS of unintended side effects. Simulate 3e: As 2e, but give the PCs enough Wands of Cure Light Wounds that it really doesn't matter anymore and then use 5e's healing RAW. Long rests recover full hp, but last 2d4 days to recover. Simulate 2e: PCs can use 1 HD per short rest. Long rests (8 hours) allow you to use HD. Simulate 1e/Basic: PCs cannot burn HD during short rests. (Note: not playtest, not responsible for TPKs). So here is my Official Remathilis healing rules. a set of general guidelines to adjusting the healing dial. Having seen the preview of the "healing section" covered up in the alien tech preview and realizing its probably 3-4 paragraphs, I really don't expect a complicated set of rules vs.